Along with my mother's
graduation, there are two other big events this weekend. First is my very belated birthday party taking place tomorrow night. Yes, my birthday was in March, what of it? I've been struggling with various health issues since then. My body has just now decided it would do what it is supposed to for once. So yay me! We just got Rock Band 2 for the Wii off craigslist (the whole set - drums, guitar, mic, and game - for only $50!) so we'll probably be playing some of that. As you can see by my lovely camera phone picture of the TV screen, I've already decked out my character in nerdy goodness. I seriously want to go as her for Halloween (or maybe
Angel, you know I love me some zebra print).
Then on Sunday is Mother's Day! Whooo! Mom, Sierra, Felicia, Josh, and I are all going to see Iron Man 2 and then going to lunch. I had told my mother I was getting her some new mixing bowls as well, but when we found out we would
not be getting our school money until June that kinda put a stop to that idea. Should I get the job at B-A-M I'll get them then. What is everyone else doing for Mother's Day?
Happy belated Birthday, Tasha! :) I'll be celebrating mine next week all weekend (mine's May 13th) and my boyfriend won't tell me what he's got planned. LOL
As for Mother's Day, I'll be phoning my mother since I'm not near enough to visit. I'll end up going to Travis' parents (that my boyfriend) for either a cookout or just to hang out. I'm not sure if I'll be up for goign to Iron Man 2 because she wants to see it...depends on how my back feels. :)
And grats on the Rock Band! I love that game <3
Aw what a nice way to spend Mother's Day! And $50 for Rock Band?? That's pretty much the best thing ever. My sister and I bought our parents a Wii for Christmas and my Mom's been doing her Wii Fit every morning. Lost 8lbs so far! It's been fantastic for her.
I didn't do too much for Mother's Day. My mom went down to the Cape to visit her mom for the day, so I'm working on a painting right now. My sister's really into photography, so I looked through her online portfolio and found one I really liked. I showed it to my mom and she agreed that I should paint it for her. It's coming along, slowly but surely. :)
Enjoy your game!
Sounds like you had a good weekend!
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