In Apples to Apples you have a set of green apple cards (adjectives) and red apple cards (nouns). Each player has 7 red apples cards at all times. Each round a judge is picked who chooses a green apple card from the deck. The judges reads it out to the other players, who then must pick the red apple card from their hand that is best described by the green apple card (from the judges point of view! That's very important). The judge then looks at all the cards and picks a winner! The title of judge then moves clockwise to the next player, and it starts again. I can't really remember the specific comparisons we had last night, but I don't think I stopped laughing the whole time. If you've never played you really must look into it.
For some reason after the game was over our guest really wanted a Brownie Earthquake from Dairy Queen. Before I was married we used to go get them all the time. It was like 10:30pm though and all the Dairy Queens were closed. :( So instead we took a trip to walmart to make our own!

We got vanilla ice cream, some Oreo Fudge Rings, hot fudge, and Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies. We passed on the whipped cream because we all usually scrape that off anyway. All told it cost about $9. Brownie Earthquake from Dairy Queen? I don't know but it's probably $3-4 each.

We got vanilla ice cream, some Oreo Fudge Rings, hot fudge, and Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies. We passed on the whipped cream because we all usually scrape that off anyway. All told it cost about $9. Brownie Earthquake from Dairy Queen? I don't know but it's probably $3-4 each.

Here's the finished product. I'm not sure why my picture came out blue, probably because I insist on using my phone's camera instead of a real one. I heated the brownies for 45 seconds in the microwave, and the fudge for 30 seconds like it said on the bottle. In hindsight the bottle is full of bullocks and I should have heated it more. I also took some of the Oreos, put them in a ziplock bag, and crushed them up. Brownies on bottom, then a couple scoops of ice creams, crushed up Oreos, hot fudge, and viola! Our very own brownie earthquakes!

They didn't look just like the ones from Dairy Queen (or taste like it for that matter) but it was still delicious and probably worth the money we saved.
Apples to Apples is always fun to play! :D And I just had a Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Blizzard last night after dinner! :O LOL Stop reading my mind!!!
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