April 29, 2010

Letters Unsent (Part I)

Dear Pollen,

I know you're going to hate to hear this, but yellow is not my favorite color. I don't appreciate coming out in the morning to find Wentworth (my lovely black car) looking like some monstrous bumblebee. I cannot park anywhere else other than the street, and given Wentworth's reputation for being hit while parked, I refuse to do that. So please fall to the east, north, or south of the tree rather than the west from now on.

Thank You,
Out Of Windshield Cleaner

April 27, 2010

"Are you from the future? Do they still have sandwiches there?"

ScottyI know this movie is like a year old, but I've just now seen it for the first time. I'm by no means a Trekky but I have seen several episodes (maybe seasons) of the original shows with my uncle. I've seen enough to know that Scotty is awesome, anyway.

I really liked the direction taken to make this latest Star Trek film. Being such a popular franchise I imagine making everyone happy would be hard to do. So instead of sticking with cannon they fixed this by making an alternate universe. Spock creates a black hole, Romulans go through it and end up in the past, they change the sequence of time and ta-da! a new universe to play around in. I am very interested to see how this will play out in future films/TV shows, because it would allow writers to pick from a) original cannon post Enterprise b) alternate universe post Star Trek (2009) or c) original cannon post black hole as seen in Star Trek (2009). Or they could do all three and make LOST 2.0

As of now the only continuation I could find is an untitled sequel in production scheduled to come out in 2012. It appears that they have chosen option b from above for this next adventure, with William Shatner rumored to be returning as Captain Kirk from the future.

April 21, 2010

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

If you have not seen Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog yet you must go watch it right now. It stars the trifecta of nerdy joy: Neil Patrick Harris, Felicia Day, and Nathan Fillion. Can you ask for anything better? I think not.

Neil Patrick Harris plays Dr. Horrible, an amateur super-villian. There are two things he wants most in the world: to win the heart of Felicia Day and to be admitted to the Evil League of Evil... ran by Bad Horse - The Thoroughbred of Sin.

In his way is Nathan Fillion as Captain Hammer, a man's man super hero. He not only stops Dr. Horrible from completing the requirements to join the Evil League of Evil but steals Felicia Day's heart in the process. Now Dr. Horrible must get rid of Captain Hammer for good.

The 42 minute film not only has a brilliant plot, but is also a musical! Could not be more perfect. Writer/director Joss Wheton is my new hero.

You can find Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog in it's entirety on Netflix (where you can order the DVD or watch instantly) or in three acts on other video sites such as Hulu or YouTube.

April 19, 2010

Out of chaos comes beauty

I have finally inserted a title into the brackets left open since this blog's conception. Whether said title is catchy or not remains to be seen. :D I like it, which is I guess what matters. Mostly I'm just happy to have something up there other than [Insert Catchy Title Here] hehe.

And it matches today's theme, since I feel rather discombobulated. I have a few things I feel like writing about but none of them really go together. I don't feel like writing two or three different posts that only have a paragraph or so each so I'm just going to lump them together.

First order of business: Warhammer 40k. My husband has been playing for a while now with our friend John (who happens to be the future husband of my friend Jessica, whom I have known since 3rd grade) but I've never played before. I'll go over there with him sometimes and chill with Jess, play with the kitties, or watch them, but never play. Not because they won't let me or I don't want to, I just don't have any pieces or models or whatever you call them.

Well last night I played for the first time and it was pretty fun. I got to play a "shooty" army of Space Marines with my own tank and a robot who looked like the Iron Giant. It's a really, really long game though. I let Josh finish for me because I got tired and just sat on the couch with Izzi instead. That takes less concentration, something I'm rather laking at 3am. Next Tuesday (I think?) there is supposed to be some really big game with like 5 or 6 people playing and I'll probably give that a go as well. Then I'll actually understand how you do stuff better which will probably make it a lot more fun. Yesterday I kinda just felt like a dice roller, with Josh and John making all the tactical decisions.

Second order of business: school. I got my paper back from Dr. Phillips. I knew it was going to be an easy A, but I didn't know how easy. I'm not joking when I say I'm not even sure if he read it. When I got it back there was a rubric inside the title page. Well, if you could call it that. There were only two criteria to be graded: paper length and number of sources. Our grades were number of pages (up to 15) x 3 + number of sources (up to 15) x 3 + 10. So if you had at least 15 pages and sources, it looked like 45 + 45 + 10 = 100! Yay! I looked through the whole paper and he didn't make a single mark. Not one correction, not one "good point!", nothing. One of the guys who sits behind me said he used 16pt font instead of the standard 12 and got away with it. When Phillips said our papers were going to be a buffer for our test scores he meant it.

My first final is on Wednesday and I'm supposed to be studying for that right now. The rest are next week. I need to find a new job. =/

April 15, 2010

Oh Russell, what have you done?

Russell is probably the best Survivor contestant ever. I haven't seen all twenty seasons, but I've seen enough to know that no one plays like Russell. Unfortunately, I think this has gone to his head a little.

Tonight was an episode of mistakes of historical proportions. First off the Heroes were/are mistakingly under the impression that there is an all girls alliance over in the Villains tribe. Russell is the only man left, after two strong male players being voted off consecutively ("Boston" Rob and Coach). In truth Russell is actually the leader of his own harem. :D

Not knowing this J.T. offers up his tribes Immunity Idol! Anyone who saw last season, Survivor: Samoa, would know that Russell is in fact the unofficial king of Immunity Idols. He has already used them to his advantage in this season, giving his Idol to Parvati in order to vote off Tyson. All he has to do is use this one to vote of Parvati and he automatically gains the trust of the Heroes, which will be important after next week's merge. But does he do it? No! He tells her that they gave him the idol! What an idiot. He is blinded by his trust for her and has lost site of the game. She is too strong. This was his one good chance to vote her off and gain the trust of five other people in one fell swoop and he blew it! It would have been so terribly easy for him to convince Courtney and Sandra (as they would be on the chopping block otherwise), and Jerry as well because she isn't terribly loyal to anyone. But he didn't and now he will have to explain to the Heroes next week why Parvati is still there.

Russell, you frustrate me greatly.

Bag of cheetos on my left and a rockstar on my right

My little sister (Sierra) has been playing WoW over at our dad's recently. She had my older sister (Felicia) make her a temporary account so she could play here, but it only lasts for like nine days or something. After that is over my mom is thinking of maybe getting her a subscription. Since Josh and I both have the expansions linked to our accounts she's probably just going to re-open one of ours so she doesn't have to buy the xpacs. I'm not sure that's such a good idea...

I hate Blizzard, I really do. But I miss playing. :( I know if Mom opens my account back up I'm going to start back even if I don't want to. I mean as long as she's paying for it, there's no harm right? I'm not paying any more money into the company that has stopped caring about it's costumer base. Meh.

I just wish The Old Republic would come out already. They care about lore. They aren't catering to the 11-year-olds who just want to get to 80 as fast as possible with no regard to story-line. Unfortunately SWTOR isn't scheduled to come out till next spring. Not sure I can quell my spell-casting urge that long.

April 10, 2010

The Cost of Sexual Freedom

Usually I am less than enthused by the blogs over at HuffPo, but this one comes as a nice breath of fresh air to those of us who think Feminism might have taken things too far. It discusses how through our culture of one night stands, booty-calls, and "friends-with-benefits" we have lost a sense of respect that many other less developed countries still posses.

In The Cost of Sexual Freedom Pegah Patra compares the dating world of the US and that of her home country, Iran. She questions whether or not the difference could be

"the fault of women who for years were fighting for feminism and wanting to be free and equal to men? Of course we believe in equal rights and a woman's independence but maybe the concept of feminism has also taken us to the extreme level of sexual freedom. By making sex so available and accessible for men it allows them to lose respect and not value courtship the way they did years ago in western cultures or as they still do in many parts of the world."
While I'm not sure we should be looking to Iran as an example of wonderful male/female relations, I do tend to agree with her. People aren't courted like in yesteryears which I do believe is a shame. Call me old fashioned but to me sex has no place outside of long term, serious relationships (if not marriage).

Why are men such pigs?

Yesterday I had someone call me from a number I didn't recognize. Normally I would just ignore it and let them leave a voicemail, but since working for the census and leaving my phone number at countless houses I figured I should answer. Here is how the conversation went:

Me: Hello?

Guy on Phone: Hey girl what's up?

Me: Umm... I think you might have the wrong number.

Guy: This ain't Melissa?

Me: Nope, not Melissa.

Guy: Oh well dang girl, you gots a sexy voice.

Me: Thanks... I guess... *nervous chuckle*

Guy: Well if you ain't Melissa, what is yo name?

Me: Not Melissa.

Guy: Oh okay well you still got a sexy voice.

Me: *hangs up*

Really? Really?! You're gonna hit on the random girl you miss-dialed? In retrospect when he asked my name, I should have said something like "Thomas" (as per John's suggestion when discussing this last night) but I didn't. I was too shocked that this was happening to come up with a witty response. Some people...

April 8, 2010

"She's an idea..." "She's my half-sister!"

Just watched episode 11 of LOST's sixth and final season for the second time. To be honest, this season has kinda sucked so far, but this episode was AMAZING! And not just because it had Charlie in it either, even Josh (the hubster) thought it was grand. I'm starting to like this flash-sideways thing and really looking forward to next Tuesday.

Charlie + Desmond + Daniel Faraday (Widmore) - Kate = WIN! :D

April 7, 2010

A TMI update (since I said I would)

A little less than a month ago (AKA two posts down) I had posted some stuff about... the curse ...and the issues I had been having with it. Said I would update with how I was doing after taking the shot. Well...

Still no visit from AF and I was told I *had* to start the Depo while she was in town. =/ Tried calling Dr. Edgeworth back once last week to see what I needed to do but she didn't answer and I've been busy so haven't tried again yet.

I guess the Provera just like failed to work or something, which knowing my messed up body doesn't surprise me. If left to it's own devices I might not get a visit from AF for another 2-9 months which would not work for me. I feel crazy enough already without the hormones and it's only been a little over a month since I went off. Ugh.

Don't you wish your teacher was as lax as mine?

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. -Douglas Adams

Well it's that time of year again... "What time?", you ask... term paper time! *Gasp*

This year I only have one paper due, but it's a long one coming in at 15 pages. Has to be on a president or to do with the election process in America. Not really my favorite subject, not really looking forward to it. So I put it off, and off, and...

Crap! It's due next week! *run* *panic* *faint*

Or, that would have been my reaction if it wasn't for dear ol' Dr. Phillips whom I love so very much. <3 (<--- see? I put a heart 'cause he's my favorite. :D)

It was due yesterday and I'm still only on page 13. I really could have finished it last night BUT meh... I didn't. Didn't have to. You know why? Because I went to class on Monday to find out that he is taking this week off for Spring Break (since he mostly teaches at GCCC, which is off this week) and to just kinda drop it off at his office at some point by the end of the week. Honestly, I could turn it in day before the end of the semester and he would take it without a problem, not a drop in grade or anything. Because he's just that awesome.

I won't though, I'll finish it probably tomorrow and turn it in by the end of the week. I'm almost done with it and putting it off any longer is just going to make it harder to finish. Plus otherwise I think Josh might have a heat attack.

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