I really liked the direction taken to make this latest Star Trek film. Being such a popular franchise I imagine making everyone happy would be hard to do. So instead of sticking with cannon they fixed this by making an alternate universe. Spock creates a black hole, Romulans go through it and end up in the past, they change the sequence of time and ta-da! a new universe to play around in. I am very interested to see how this will play out in future films/TV shows, because it would allow writers to pick from a) original cannon post Enterprise b) alternate universe post Star Trek (2009) or c) original cannon post black hole as seen in Star Trek (2009). Or they could do all three and make LOST 2.0
As of now the only continuation I could find is an untitled sequel in production scheduled to come out in 2012. It appears that they have chosen option b from above for this next adventure, with William Shatner rumored to be returning as Captain Kirk from the future.
Gotta love Star Trek :D And Simon Pegg <3 LOL Yes, a well-done movie, although the main idea for the plot has been re-done many times. I can't wait for the next one, though!
I thought it was well-done as well. I think this was supposed to be the last of it, but since it was well-received, that's doubtful. I'm not a Trekkie, but I do love me some good sci-fi.
BTW, it's very difficult to comment on your blog. The Word Verification pops up in a part of the comment box that doesn't show up on screen.
Okay I think I fixed it. I took the word verification thing off. Thanks for letting me know!
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