April 15, 2010

Bag of cheetos on my left and a rockstar on my right

My little sister (Sierra) has been playing WoW over at our dad's recently. She had my older sister (Felicia) make her a temporary account so she could play here, but it only lasts for like nine days or something. After that is over my mom is thinking of maybe getting her a subscription. Since Josh and I both have the expansions linked to our accounts she's probably just going to re-open one of ours so she doesn't have to buy the xpacs. I'm not sure that's such a good idea...

I hate Blizzard, I really do. But I miss playing. :( I know if Mom opens my account back up I'm going to start back even if I don't want to. I mean as long as she's paying for it, there's no harm right? I'm not paying any more money into the company that has stopped caring about it's costumer base. Meh.

I just wish The Old Republic would come out already. They care about lore. They aren't catering to the 11-year-olds who just want to get to 80 as fast as possible with no regard to story-line. Unfortunately SWTOR isn't scheduled to come out till next spring. Not sure I can quell my spell-casting urge that long.


Shayna said...

Love this post! My family has migrated to the great state of Florida in droves over the past five years --- chiefly because of the weather! Which I beyond me as well... I hate humidity! (Not crazy about cold winters either... maybe I would be better off somewhere in the Carolinas? Arizona? Striking it rich so I could have multiple homes?)

Please stop by my non-mommy blog as well - http://lifeforward.onsugar.com

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