Tonight was an episode of mistakes of historical proportions. First off the Heroes were/are mistakingly under the impression that there is an all girls alliance over in the Villains tribe. Russell is the only man left, after two strong male players being voted off consecutively ("Boston" Rob and Coach). In truth Russell is actually the leader of his own harem. :D
Not knowing this J.T. offers up his tribes Immunity Idol! Anyone who saw last season, Survivor: Samoa, would know that Russell is in fact the unofficial king of Immunity Idols. He has already used them to his advantage in this season, giving his Idol to Parvati in order to vote off Tyson. All he has to do is use this one to vote of Parvati and he automatically gains the trust of the Heroes, which will be important after next week's merge. But does he do it? No! He tells her that they gave him the idol! What an idiot. He is blinded by his trust for her and has lost site of the game. She is too strong. This was his one good chance to vote her off and gain the trust of five other people in one fell swoop and he blew it! It would have been so terribly easy for him to convince Courtney and Sandra (as they would be on the chopping block otherwise), and Jerry as well because she isn't terribly loyal to anyone. But he didn't and now he will have to explain to the Heroes next week why Parvati is still there.
Russell, you frustrate me greatly.