December 9, 2010

Learn more through Comic Sans?

I found an interesting article (via passive-aggressive notes) that details how reading information in annoying fonts may help you retain the information better.

I can totally see how reading something in such a font would help with remembering it, as your brain is using more energy to read it in the first place. Your brain is probably thinking "I better remember this so she doesn't make me read it in Playbill again".

However it also has the downside of making people read things in fonts that they hate. Once or twice it might work, but I'm sure after that people will just stop reading it. And then they will learn way less than if you had just put it in Times New Roman. There's a whole website dedicated to the hatred of Comic Sans, after all.

ETA: I found this monologue, from the POV of Comic Sans that I found interesting and also wanted to share.
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