April 10, 2010

The Cost of Sexual Freedom

Usually I am less than enthused by the blogs over at HuffPo, but this one comes as a nice breath of fresh air to those of us who think Feminism might have taken things too far. It discusses how through our culture of one night stands, booty-calls, and "friends-with-benefits" we have lost a sense of respect that many other less developed countries still posses.

In The Cost of Sexual Freedom Pegah Patra compares the dating world of the US and that of her home country, Iran. She questions whether or not the difference could be

"the fault of women who for years were fighting for feminism and wanting to be free and equal to men? Of course we believe in equal rights and a woman's independence but maybe the concept of feminism has also taken us to the extreme level of sexual freedom. By making sex so available and accessible for men it allows them to lose respect and not value courtship the way they did years ago in western cultures or as they still do in many parts of the world."
While I'm not sure we should be looking to Iran as an example of wonderful male/female relations, I do tend to agree with her. People aren't courted like in yesteryears which I do believe is a shame. Call me old fashioned but to me sex has no place outside of long term, serious relationships (if not marriage).


Yoshimara-Muse said...

Here here! :D Although, I'm a bit of a hypocrite myself... >.> But I agree with at least the long term relationship part! *thumbs up* :D

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