May 19, 2010

Zombie Awareness Month

May is Zombie Awareness Month! According to the Zombie Research Society, several important zombie movies have taken place in May. It is also spring, usually a time of renewal and hopefulness, yet we must remember to always stay vigilant.

Here are some steps you can take to do your part:

Wear a gray ribbon

Gray was chosen as it "signif[ies] the undead shadows that lurk behind our modern light of day". When wearing your ribbon chances are someone might come up to you and ask about it. This is a perfect opportunity to spread awareness about our cause and to inform the public.

Cardio, cardio, cardio

As we learned in Zombieland, this is one of the most important steps we can take to fend off the zombies. They do not feel pain nor fatigue, thus they can run a lot longer than your average American. We can combat this by increasing our endurance, giving us a better chance of survival whether we be trekking on foot or bicycle.

Do your research

Since 1932, there have been more zombie movies made than I really feel like counting. As seen in our second step above, they can include some vital information regarding the zombie culture. They provide us with information regarding how they move, how they detect the living, etc as well as examples of what can get you killed or how to survive. By watching these movies you will be one step ahead of those who don't.

Create a zombie plan

The zombie apocalypse is coming whether we like it or not, and if you want to survive you must be prepared. A good start would be to read Max Brook's Zombie Survival Guide. There you will find many tips on the best outfits, weapons, and strategies for defeating (or at least outliving) the zombies. I recommend reading it at least once a year to keep it at the forefront of your memory, and what better time to do it than Zombie Awareness Month?


Yoshimara-Muse said...


:D So glad you shared this though, it's AWESOME!!!

Unknown said...

So many good points. I must find myself some gray ribbon to bring awareness to this vitally important cause :)

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