May 3, 2010

Making Florida feel less like Florida

Saturday afternoon we finally broke down and turned on the air conditioning. Ah, sweet sweet mid 70's.... how I love thee. I can walk around the house without being in a perpetual sauna. I can take a shower without immediately starting to sweat again upon finishing. I am actually comfortable. I wish this would last forever...

Sadly I know that in the next several weeks the AC will loose it's magic. It will not be able to keep up with the Floridian humidity, and pushing it to try will just result in a higher electric bill. Soon enough I will again have to resort to placing fans strategically around the house and eating Popsicles, making opening the door for more than 5 seconds punishable by death. If only I could jump space/time from March to November and skip summer altogether...

I cannot wait until Josh and I are done with school. Then there will be nothing keeping us here in this dreadful place. We will be able to move somewhere that summer is less than 7 months out of 12 and humidity is never above 75%. I know Josh doesn't really like the cold, but I also know he could deal with that better than my constant whining and complaining lol. We would miss our friends and family, but we could come and visit during the so-called "winter". And they could come see us during our much more tolerable summers. Most people don't live in the same town as their family and elementary/middle/high school friends forever anyway, right? Or they can all come with us! Yes, that's a fantastic idea. I would hate to miss seeing Atticus grow up just because of the heat.

In other news, our magnolia tree is finally blooming. How pretty.


Ronnica said...

I love the warmth, so I don't mind that it has been in the 90s the past few days here in NC. I was sleeping over at my future roommates this's going to be warm sleeping on the 2nd floor! Think I'm going to have to ditch the flannel PJ bottoms I've slept in for the last 9 years for proper summery sleep shorts.

Yoshimara-Muse said...

Ah yes, I remember those hot summers...luckily I'm out of that business. Come to Wisconsin: home to cheese and less harsh summers! <3 LOL

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