May 7, 2010

Congratulations are in order!

Today my wonderful mother will graduate from Gulf Coast Community College, receiving her AA degree (technically she graduated in December, but they only have one ceremony). This might not seem like a big deal to everyone, but it's a huge step for her. She dropped out of the 9th grade to work for her father, then married my sociopathic father, had 2 of 3 children, and never worked again. Through my father's abuse she was taught to believe that she wasn't able to have, wasn't worth, a life other than the sad one he provided for her and us girls. This is just the first step of many to prove how wrong he was. So congrats Mom! You deserve it.


Chickpea said...

This is fantastic! She should be so proud of herself for overcoming such a tremendously difficult situation. I bet your support went a long way in helping her achieve her goal. :)

Yoshimara-Muse said...

Congratulations to her!! I'm glad she made it :)

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