1. Unlimited hot water
Sure, the shower on the cruise was smaller than ours at home, and you had to be careful not to slip because, you know, you were on a moving boat and all... but the hot water never ceased.
I could actually take my steaming hot shower immediately after Josh.
And you could only turn the hot water on a little because otherwise it would burn you.
Oh, to have that again...
Here at home our water heater must be too small or something. I dunno, but I *always* run out of hot water in the winter. I can't shave and wash my hair in the same shower. I actually just bought an electric razor that doesn't need water so I wouldn't have to choose which was more important. Still, I find myself trying to time my showers right before it gets dark so the water in the ground (that will replace the water in the tank) is as warm as possible. You can forget taking a shower right after someone else. Or while the dishwasher is on. Or while doing laundry.
I just need to get me one of those new tankless water heaters. I wonder how well they work...