"I'm the happiest woman alive!"
"I'm the luckiest man in the world!"
"I've got the best husband in the universe!"
Hate to break it to you, but it's not true. You're just fooling yourself. Not that you shouldn't be happy about your situation, because you should be (at least sometimes), you just need to be realistic about it.
Using these statements just make me think you are hiding something. That you are making up for your shortcomings or unhappiness. That you are delusional. And it can sometimes be a bit insulting. I know you don't mean it that way, but saying you have the best husband in the world is implying that my husband isn't. That your husband, your life, your situation is better than mine and everyone else's.
It's also sometimes just laughable. Take this scenario for instance:
So I thought we got paid on the forth when really we got paid on the eleventh. Now I've bounced three checks and can't afford anything. I'm already two weeks late on my car payment, but my husband has offered to cover it for me so it doesn't get repo'd. I'm the luckiest girl in the world!
If you were really the luckiest girl in the world you wouldn't be in this situation to begin with. I'd think most husbands would do what they could to keep their wives cars from being repo'd. If I was him, I might take away your check book as well since this seems to be a theme with you. But I digress...
I offer instead simply saying "I feel like..." instead of "I am..." Then I wouldn't feel the need to point out everything that's wrong with your life to prove you wrong.