I love me some Skittles, so I obviously entered multiple times.
And then the day to vote came.... see, you couldn't vote while entries where open, only once they had been closed. I looked and looked through the entries for mine but none were to be found. In fact, it didn't look like there were very many entries at all. On the wall of the fan page I saw several people with the same complaint as me.
How am I supposed to win a contest when my entry is not available to be voted for? I couldn't even get a sympathy vote from my husband. I had lost without being given a fair chance.
And to add insult to injury the entries I did see weren't even good. Some of them didn't even answer the question! In first place is a video by some dude who is, quite frankly, annoying. Also in the top ten are pictures of people's kids who love Skittles. It doesn't say what they would do in order to win the prize, just that their kids like candy. Well duh they like candy, they're kids!
To be fair, there is also an image of a man who made a mask out of Skittles glued to his face and a write-in entry saying they would fill a pool with skittles for a skittles pool party... but over all I am not impressed. Uploading a picture of your cat with a bag of Skittles may be cute, but it isn't exactly what the contest is about.
Accepting defeat I went out and bought my own 14oz bag of Skittles Blenders. I wouldn't have any place to put a vending machine anyway.