March 12, 2010

Oh the joys of being a woman! (TMI warning)

Since I started this blog after my womanly fiasco, here's a little back story. First off I have PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome) which is essentially a hormonal disorder effecting the way my eggs are released as well as a crap-ton of other things. I have been on hormonal birth control to help with this for several years now, but sometimes my body doesn't cope well with that. Once or twice a year I will have breakthrough bleeding lasting a month or more for no apparent reason, complete with excruciating cramps. Well, last month was one of those times.

I ended up going to see Dr. Edgeworth (my OB/GYN) and found out I had a giant clot stuck in my uterus. I don't know if this is what always causes this because it's the first time I've had a vaginal ultrasound done. Anyway she took me off my BC and put me on Provera to thin my lining and stop the bleeding. Unfortunately for me, Provera also induces a period when you stop taking it. So after it finally stopped a few days ago, it's about to start again. I can already feel the cramps. Oh well, hopefully this will expel the clot and I can move on with my life.

As soon as AF gets here I will get the Depo shot for the first time. This will hopefully stop AF altogether or at least thin my lining sufficiently enough to lessen the flow and cramping to a manageable level. Dr. Edgeworth said that 80% of women who use the shot stop having a period, but I'm not optimistic. So far I've been in the losing camp for most everything else. However both my sister and mother have had the shot and they are no longer visited by everyone's favorite aunt so that raises my hopes a little.

Will update after I get the shot to let everyone know how it's working.

March 11, 2010

Do you believe in science? She's perfect chemistry...

Today was much better health wise than usual. Although I'm starting to feel slightly dizzy/lightheaded now, I was able to get up this morning and drive Josh to work. I also stopped by Dr. Phillips office to talk to him about my degree.

There are about 70 million sociology classes available this summer and fall, yet I cannot take any of them. It says they are for distance learning majors only. I find that funny since I'm a Social Science Interdisciplinary major and the definition of Sociology is :
the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships

You see that? Should be right up an SSI majors ally. So I found out how to get into those classes since I would like it make it my secondary discipline. Apparently I just have to harass the sociology advisor until he's so sick of me calling he gives in. :D

While I was there Dr. Phillips also did a graduation check for me. Turns out I'm farther into my degree than I thought. One trip to my advisor and I'm three classes closer to my degree requirements. If I take the sociology class at GCCC this summer as a transient student I will be left with 30 elective credit hours (after taking the rest of my history and 3 more sociology at FSU). That's 10 three credit hour classes of anything I want! That's half of my required 60 hours needed to graduate. This means I can take even more history and won't have to settle for other random classes that I won't find interesting. It also means I can get a jump start on my Master's degree, taking pretty much only 5000+ level classes my final semester.

Freedom to choose the classes I actually want feels pretty amazing.

March 10, 2010

>.< meh

I feel horrible. Like I can't wake up. I always feel this way nowadays and I hate it. There are three or four topics I really want to write about on here but I just can't find the energy to do it. I really want this blog to work. But more than that, I just want to feel alive again.

March 8, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

The 6th was my 22nd birthday, which is a rather uneventful year. You can't do anything new. Overall it was a good day though.

In the morning I had to go to a doctor's appointment in Fort Walton which is where my sister recently moved to. We decided to stop by and see the new place afterwards. On the way we got lost and ended up near some sort of military base. They had a housing community called "Commando Village" with armed guards and stuff, which was kinda funny to see.

We did finally make it to Felicia's though to eat brownies and play Lego Rock Band. I've got epic drum skills when playing super easy. :D

Then I came home and went to sleep. I've pretty much been sleeping ever since lol. Thank goodness it's Spring Break!

March 5, 2010

You've got breaking hearts all but down...

Yay I'm all pretty now! :D

I'm also feeling much better today than I have been. I'm still a little dizzy, but not nearly as bad. I feel much more like myself than I have in weeks. Woot.

Jessica and John are going out of town this weekend and they have put me in charge of feeding the kitties. I love kitties. <3

I wonder what pretty has to say, I want to feel pretty every day

I officially do not like any of the templates on here. I want a pretty blog like all the girls on [The Nest]. :(

Must figure out how to do that tomorrow...

Until then I'll just green up one of these a little. Because everyone know green is the best color in the whole world. :D

This was over before it ever began...

Your lips, your lies, your lust
Like the devil's in your hands


I made another blog.

Will it last? Probably not. They never do.

Sometimes I just get the urge to blog, and now is one of those times. I'll probably stop next week because I'll realize I have nothing important to say. But I'm out of school and pretty much out of commission for everything else because of some medical problems so what else am I supposed to do?

For now I think I'll just eat my Lucky Charms and try to get some sleep.
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